There are many ways you can search for contacts in your database, based on the information you have logged on those contacts (i.e., by call history, asks and commitments, outstanding pledges, etc.).
This article explains how you can use the notes you leave on contacts to run searches, as well.
Search by keyword
Using the Advanced Search dropdown menu, select the Notes - Text option. From here you can type the keyword(s) in your notes that you wish to search for or exclude from your search results.
- This will search all notes across all items: contacts, calls, pledges, contributions, asks, and commitments.
- The search will automatically break up words into individual keywords, unless you wrap a phrase in quotes. For example, this search: she lives in "Los Angeles" will search for the following keywords: she, lives, in, Los Angeles.
Search by hashtag
Using hashtags can be an easy way to quickly flag information to search for later, for example if you want someone on your team to take a look, or to create a to-do list.
Using the Advanced Search dropdown menu, select the Notes - Hashtags option. From here you will be provided a dropdown menu of all the hashtags you have used across all of your notes.
- This will search for hashtags used in all notes across all items: contacts, calls, pledges, contributions, asks, and commitments.
- When you are typing notes and use a hashtag, an autocomplete option will automatically appear to remind you of the similar hashtags you've already created.
Learn about many more types of searches you can run on your data here.
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