Before you begin an import, please consult with your system administrator to be sure you understand the cumulative import limit on your account. Email if you have any questions or need to upgrade your account to accommodate additional imports.
We recommend uploading a small file containing 5-10 contacts to make sure the process goes smoothly before you upload your entire contact list.
- From the Contacts page, click on "import contacts" on the upper right of the page.
- Select CSV file from the list of possible sources.
- Click on upload data from file and select the desired file from your device.
- Your first row will most likely contain column names. If so, click “yes” to continue. Otherwise, click "No."
- Review your data and make sure that CallTime has correctly mapped your column names to the data sets. You may want to double check that accents in your file look right to you, as sometimes those can become contorted while saving your document to different formats, etc., and odd symbols in your file can cause the import to fail.
These are the fields CallTime.AI can import with this contact importer:- First Name
- Last Name
- Salutation
- Full Name
- Occupation/Job
- Employer
- Bio
- Home Email
- Work Email
- Other Email
- Home Phone
- Work Phone
- Mobile Phone
- Other Phone
- Street Address 1
- Street Address 2
- City
- State
- ZIP Code
- Country
- Ask Amount (This will override the AI-generated ask amounts for any contacts you are importing.)
- NGP Contact ID (You'll want to include this identifier if you wish to import other types of NGP reports, such as contribution reports, notes, etc. Read here for more on that.)
- If CallTime could not automatically match a column, correct the field from the drop down menu.
- If the CSV has columns that do not import to CallTime, click “ignore this column.” Then hit review.
- Use the toggle button on the left of the page to only show the rows with problems you may need to address before importing. Then click complete and you can decide if you would like to review and fix those issues or discard the rows and proceed with your import.
- Once you submit your contacts it may take a few minutes to complete the imports depending on the size of your file.
Please note: You do not need to have data for every one of the above columns. However, you will need to include at least one piece of contact information for each name you import (i.e., city, state, country, ZIP, phone number, or email address) for the import to be successful. Read here to learn more about the minimum information needed for CallTime.AI to conduct automatic donor research on those contacts.
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