Amelia Huchley

  • Total activity 188
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Latest activity by Amelia Huchley
  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    CallTime.AI Quick Start Guide

    This article contains links to the essential articles for getting started with your CallTime.AI account. Setting up your account Import Contacts from a CSV File Adding Users to Your Account Integr...

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    How to Register for 10DLC and Campaign Verify

    Registration for 10DLC and Campaign Verify is required for all CallTime.AI clients, in order to comply with industry regulations for text messaging. What are 10DLC and Campaign Verify? 10DLC, or 10...

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    Unpacking the AI-Generated Donor Score and Ask Amount

    CallTime.AI leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to help our users identify the right people to solicit, and then to make the right solicitation. In this article, we'll dig a bit deeper into the ...

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    Feature Requests

    As you may have noticed, we are constantly releasing new features designed to make your fundraising faster, smarter, and more successful. Of course- just as in fundraising- building software is all...

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    Power Dialing for Power Users

    The CallTime.AI built-in power dialer is the most advanced tool available for fundraising, and our most successful users are those that really maximize its benefits. If you are just getting started...

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    Giving Histories

    CallTime.AI will display, for research purposes, the public political giving records for contacts in your database, to help you understand one of the key drivers of the Donor Score and Ask Amounts ...

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    Phone Number and Email Enrichments

    CallTime.AI leverages a database of hundreds of millions of phone numbers and emails to add new contact information to your databases, so that you can spend more of your time connecting with donors...

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    Delete a Note

    Navigate to your desired donor profile.  Click the notes icon on the right of the screen.  Select the note you wish to delete, and click “delete note.”

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    Prioritizing Contacts

    On the desired contact's donor profile, click on the white circle on the upper left of the profile. Mark the contact as green, yellow, or red based on priority. To order contacts by priority leve...

  • Amelia Huchley created an article,

    Respond to a Text Message

    Click on the text message icon in the upper right hand corner of your window. From your SMS inbox, you can view responses to your messages, messages that you sent, and text back and forth with...