Registration for 10DLC and Campaign Verify is required for all CallTime.AI clients, in order to comply with industry regulations for text messaging.
What are 10DLC and Campaign Verify?
10DLC, or 10-Digit Long Code, is a dedicated phone number that allows businesses to send and receive text messages on the platform. This ensures that the messages are delivered to the intended recipient and are not blocked or filtered out as spam.
Campaign Verify is a non-partisan, nonprofit service for U.S. political campaigns, parties, and PACs to verify their identity. It helps campaigns confirm the authenticity of their messages and protect consumers from spam or fraud. By registering with Campaign Verify, campaigns can show that their messages are legitimate political entities and not spam.
How Do I Register?
CallTime.AI registers each of our clients for 10DLC. If you have not done so already, please fill out this form so we have the information we need to register your campaign.
There are a couple upfront charges to register for 10DLC: a $44 one-time fee for your Brand, and a $15 one-time fee for Campaign Vetting. There is also a monthly fee for 10DLC of $10/month for a standard account. Because CallTime.AI registers your campaign for you, you will send 10DLC payments through CallTime.AI.
You must also register for Campaign Verify by filling out the form found on this page. There is a one-time fee of $95 per campaign to register, and registration lasts for one two-year election cycle.
Once Campaign Verify approves your campaign, they will issue you a CV Token. Please send us your CV Token so we can complete your registration for 10DLC.
CallTime.AI does not charge any additional fees to process 10DLC registrations.
If you have any questions or need assistance with registering your campaign, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
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